This week, I was fortunate enough to get a last-minute invite to a charity event called the Richmond Outdoor Challenge. The proceeds from this event went to the UDT-Seal Association – a veterans support organization aimed at supporting the health and welfare of all members of the Naval Special Warfare community. As a lawyer, these sorts of opportunities are not as frequent as they are, for example, in the business world. So, it was a much-appreciated change. The fact that it involved shooting guns with former Navy Seals… well that was just icing on the cake.
It was a fun and exciting afternoon – one that involved a Seal Team reenactment of a military operation and the opportunity to shoot various weapons, ranging from crossbows to a .308 sniper rifle and M4. While all of that was thrilling to say the least, it was also a pleasure to be able to meet and speak with several of the retired Navy Seals who were out there. However, the best part of the whole thing would have to be witnessing just how close those individuals are with one another. They aren’t all the same age, nor did they graduate from the same BUD/S class, but you could tell there was a strong underlying bond between them all, and it was pretty moving. Overall, it was a great day and one I won’t forget.
The take away from the day for me personally was this: if there’s ever an opportunity to give back to an organization that supports the brave men and women who served, or currently serve, our country – seize it. Without our nation’s veterans, we would not be where we are today, so it’s only right to make sure our veterans are taken care of.
Below are a few pictures from the day.
Post Written by Harrison "Whit" Long