While perusing news about the latest in Veterans’ issues, I found this link released earlier this week by the Department of Veterans Affairs. In that news release, the VA announced that two of its researchers were being recognized with a fairly prestigious award for their progress in the field of spinal cord injury (“SCI”) treatment. I can think of few injuries more feared by soldiers than SCIs. They often mean alteration of life in the most severe manner and were not uncommon in the operations tempo that the United States had been facing for the last thirteen years. This release should serve as a reminder to all that there are good-intentioned, brilliant personnel in the VA who are sincerely working for a better future for veterans. While I certainly take issue with many of the problems that are increasingly apparent in the VHA, this news creates hope that veterans suffering from SCIs may have a brighter future ahead and that the VHA may one day become a cutting-edge healthcare provider as opposed to one characterized by patient neglect. If you or someone you know is a veteran suffering from an SCI, this news release suggests that the epicenter of the VA’s research on this critical topic takes place at the VA’s Rehabilitation Research & Development National Center of Excellence for the Medical Consequences of Spinal Cord Injury, which is located in Bronx, NY. It may be worth your time to reach out to the center and inform yourself as to what the current treatment options are in this field.
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