The VA was authorized to open additional outpatient clinics all across the country more than two years ago, following the VA’s scandal involving falsified wait times for appointments that resulted in veterans’ deaths.

Virginia was supposed to receive two of these new clinics—one in Fredericksburg and the other in Hampton Roads—but so far very little progress has been made. And it may still be at least another four years until those clinics open, according to the VA—six years from when the new clinics were initially approved.
Long wait times continue to plague the VA—both in scheduling appointments and ER waiting times. Sadly, the Hampton VA has among the longest wait times in the country—nearly seven hours at the Hampton VA ER is their average wait time.
Despite additional funding, oversight, investigation, and public outcry, the VA’s delays continue in far too many circumstances, from bringing new facilities online to getting veterans in to see a doctor. You can read more about the VA’s delays in Virginia here: